It happened. I said If'. As in "If we have kids..."
I'm not 100% sure when we made that change. For the last five years of relationship, Mister and I have casually said "when we have kids" about a million times. This hilarious naivety is apparently a thing of the past.
As we wade into the deep end of the Infertility pool, I find myself reading all of these amazing blogs. I devour them, from start to finish in a few days, thrilled to have found people who get it. There are so many different ways to get to the 'finish line' in the infertility board game, but every story still speaks the same language. At some point you feel kind of weird peeping through the looking glass into other peoples lives without ever contributing to the conversation. Like some wildly personal peeping Tom.
Infertility the most amazing shitty club in the world. You hate being a member, but damn the people are incredible. So in an effort to give as well as take- here's how I found myself here:
I started having weird symptoms in January 2014... Heinously painful periods - I mean, actual blinding pain. All kinds of weird bowel symptoms. Next thing you know, it's July 2014, and I'm bleeding 24/7, and am a generally kind of a hot mess.
Fast forward to July 2015 and I find out I'm the lucky owner of Stage IV endometriosis, adenomyosis, and my insides have become so tethered with scar tissue that my ovaries and bowels have literally fused to the back of my uterus. Both of my fallopian tubes are, according to the Fertility Centre, "dripping toxic fluid."
Next step? taking out my fallopian tubes (the irony does not escape me). Then it's onto stims, ideally by early Jan (more on that later).
November 27th, people. Two weeks this Friday and I'll be tube-less. I am so ready to get this going, I care barely contain myself. Let's do this.
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