Friday, 12 February 2016

Oh.. Hey there

Okay, admittedly it's been a while.. But there just hasn't been much to report- I've been trying to get in tip top shape to start IVF, and have managed to become the most boring 32 year old woman in existence.

I've given up:
- carbs
- refined sugar
- bacon/deli meat/nitrates
- caffeine 
- booze of any kind 
- hot baths and showers
- hot butt in my car
- more than 1200 calories a day
- fun/parties/not being in bed by 10 pm (and by 10, I mean 8:30)

My husband has done the same- we are quite the pair. Want to go out for a beer? Nope. See a 10:00 movie? HA! How about just a coffee then? You, good sir, are hilarious. 

On the upside, my friends have chosen to still love me (provided we see a matinee) and my dear friend K gave me this adorable IVF care package:

Yes, the red one says "don't worry, you won't get Moon Face." This, sadly, is a legit concern. One of the drugs has "moon face" listed as a side effect. Like,your face blows up like the moon. Dinner plate face. Satellite dish face. Not cool.  

This contained:

I plan on wearing the crown to my scheduling appointment on Tuesday. We will have a baseline scan, blood draw, get our schedule, attend Needle School and then grab a $10,000 box of meds. BCP ends Feb 19- and then we wait. I haven't eagerly awaited my period this much since I was in college. 

It's here, people. Let the games begin. 

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